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अतिजीवति वित्तेन सुखं जीवति विद्यया।
किंचिज्जीवति शिल्पेन ऋते कर्म न जीवति॥
One lives in superabundance when one has wealth; one lives happily by learning; one lives in a normal manner by skills; but one does not live at all when there is no work to do.
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Feel free to contact us, we are open to discuss any of your queries and ideas.

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Kuppuswami Shastri Research Institute (KSRI)

84, Thiru vi ka Road, Mylapore, Chennai 600 004., Tamilnadu, INDIA

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अतिक्रान्तं तु यः कार्यं पश्चाच्चिन्तयते नरः।
तच्चास्य न भवेत् कार्यं चिन्तया तु विनश्यति॥
The man who broods over past matters not only loses their results but also is destroyed by worry.