Academic Programs

KSRI has always been a centre for Sanskrit and Indology research.

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अतिजीवति वित्तेन सुखं जीवति विद्यया।
किंचिज्जीवति शिल्पेन ऋते कर्म न जीवति॥
One lives in superabundance when one has wealth; one lives happily by learning; one lives in a normal manner by skills; but one does not live at all when there is no work to do.

Academic Programs

KSRI is affiliated to the University of Madras and offers M.Phil and Ph.D programs. Scholars pursuing Research under these programs

Present Past

(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Under the Supervision of
Dr. V. Yamuna Devi


Manju Ramayanam - A study

(Affiliated to the University of Madras)
Under the Supervision of
Dr. V. Kameswari

Ms. Preethi Mahesh

Chennai in Sanskrit Literature - Awaiting Viva

Ms.N. Bhuvanesawri

Critical Study of the play Prasanna Raghava of Jayadeva - Submitted Synopsis

Ms.Goda Devi

Kasyapa Samhita- text on Vishacikitsa: A Critical study- Submitted synopsis


Surya in Sanskrit Literature - A scientific approach

Under the Supervision of
Dr. K.S.Balasubramanian


Contribution of Sridhara and Sripati to Indian Mathematics - Viva Awaited

Under the Supervision of
Dr. T.V.Vasudeva

Mr. S. Balakrishnan

Vrttaratnasangraha of Raghunatha


Critical analysis of Adbhuta Darpana

Under the Supervision of
Dr. V. Yamuna Devi

Mr.P.S. Chandrasekharan

Ganita Kaumudi

Ms. S. Madhurambika

Sahendra Vilasa

Ms. Vijayalakshmi Mani

Ganita - Sredhi Vyavahara, Progression in Ancient Indian Mathematics

Ms. Lavanya V Eswar

Advaitic principles in Yoga vasishtha

Dr. Sita Sundar Ram teaching  Ancient Indian Mathematics

Dr. Yamuna Devi, Asst. Prof. taking classes for M.Phil Scholars

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अतिक्रान्तं तु यः कार्यं पश्चाच्चिन्तयते नरः।
तच्चास्य न भवेत् कार्यं चिन्तया तु विनश्यति॥
The man who broods over past matters not only loses their results but also is destroyed by worry.




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